Kidd Wash

Rust Inhibitor

A rust inhibitor formulated to provide a long lasting protection for the under carrage metal parts of a vehicle. Protects against the harsh elements that promote rust to occur. 

Tire & Engine

Neon green alkiline tire and engine cleaner with pine fragrence. High dilution and cost effective formula that delivers a superb clean and great show for your customers delight.

Bug Melter-B

Part 2 of a super concentrated bug cleaning formula. Designed to be cost effective for high volume bug removal. Must be used with Bug Melter-A and is best to dilute through a appropriate blending system.


Use through any wash system


Avaliable in 5, and 15 gallons

Bug Melter-A

Part 1 of a super concentrated bug cleaning formula. Designed to be cost effective for high volume bug removal. Must be used with Bug Melter-B and is best to dilute through a appropriate blending system.


Use through any wash system


Avaliable in 5, and 15 gallons


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